1886 to 1939



来自纽约的多明尼加修女,在十大赌博登录官网塔·菲格勒嬷嬷的带领下, 在特拉弗斯城建立见习师范学校来训练骑士团成员 for teaching. 学院的起源可以追溯到第一个新学生的入学, 约瑟芬·加尼耶(后来的亨丽埃塔修女),后来成为独立的修会 1885年,大急流城教区作为一个独立于旧教区的实体成立 底特律教区曾经控制了整个密歇根州. The Normal 

随着多明尼加姊妹会教学事工的扩展,十大赌博登录官网迅速 northern and western Michigan.
Mother Aquinata Fiegler
右图:十大赌博登录官网塔·菲格勒修女带领五名年轻修女前往特拉弗斯 并于1886年创立了后来成为见习师范学校的学校. The Normal School eventually evolved into Aquinas College.


主教亨利约瑟夫里希特要求多明尼加姐妹来大急流城工作 the first home for orphan children in western Michigan, St. John's Home. Eventually, 姐妹们把母亲的房子搬到了大急流城,并进入了见习师范学校. By 1914年,300多名曾在见习师范学校接受培训的修女正在教学 在密歇根州的38所教会学校任教,并在埃塞克斯维尔的特拉弗斯城开办学院, and Grand Rapids.

在见习师范学校接受训练的修女们在天主教小学任教 schools across Michigan. Here, Sisters Berchmans and Reginald sit in a horse and buggy outside St. Mary's Academy in Carson City. Two unidentified sisters stand behind the fence. 见习师范学校演变为圣心学院,后来又与玛丽伍德学院合并 the admission of lay women starting in 1922.

右图:这些多明尼加修女和三位修士,摄于1920年,完成了她们的 bachelor's degrees at the University of Notre Dame. The increasing number of sisters 需要四年制学位的人最终促成了十大赌博正规平台在线的建立. Several 这些姐妹后来加入了天主教初级学院和十大赌博正规平台在线的教员.


圣心学院(后来更名为玛丽伍德学院)前身是诺维特师范学校 是密歇根州特许的两年制女子学院. The college 位于东富尔顿街新建的玛丽伍德母屋 the edges of the city of Grand Rapids. The first three laywomen were admitted and 这所两年制女子学院在玛丽伍德继续,直到演变成天主教学院 初级学院把它带到市中心的兰森街,就在大急流城公共图书馆的隔壁 Library.


多米尼加女修道院院长,伊芙琳·麦基嬷嬷,在大急流主教的鼓励下 约瑟夫·加布里埃尔·平滕,将玛丽伍德学院转变为一个成熟的 junior college. 平滕主教的支持有一个条件,那就是修女们 open the school to men as well as women. To become accredited, the college needs to 将其教师和设施与高中水平的玛丽伍德学院分开 因此决定建立天主教专科学院(CJC)。 位于兰塞姆街,曾是圣心学院的所在地,现在仍为其所有 by the sisters. CJC向男性敞开大门,使其成为美国第一所男女同校的学校 由一群有宗教信仰的妇女管理的天主教学院.

右图:市中心的大急流城天主教初级学院兰森大道校区 Grand Rapids. 课程在这栋四层的19世纪砖砌建筑中进行, with a two-floor addition. It holds two offices, four classrooms, four labs, a library and a small chapel. For large lectures and gatherings, the college uses the Knights of Columbus hall across the street. Physical education classes are held at Grand Rapids Junior College, and Education classes are held at Marywood. Music studios are in a small building next door. One classroom has windows opening on to the long back porch 在主楼和学生使用他们作为一个逃离无聊的课程路线.

听GRCJC校友乔·卡维拉谈论兰森街的学生“吸烟者” campus, click here. 这段音频剪辑来自“从历史上讲”,十大赌博正规平台在线的口述历史.

Bishop Pinten calls CJC "a new diocesan institution... placed under the direction of the Dominican Sisters of Marywood... to promote the higher education of our young men and women in accordance with Catholic principles." CJC courses include "Catholic 动作,文科和理科,商科预科,法律预科,以及新闻专业的课程 and the profession of teaching."
左图:早年,多明尼加修女几乎占据了整个学院. Because 他们的工作被算作“贡献服务”,他们成为“生活捐赠”。 这使得学院在成立之初能够控制成本.    

Right: The Dominican motherhouse on Fulton. Catholic Junior College students take their Education courses here.

与大急流城教区的安排引起了摩擦,主教试图 控制学院的教员和行政人员的任命. Mother Eveline 坚持认为,作为天主教会的“常规”秩序,多米尼加秩序是 a papal institute, not subject to local diocesan control. Eventually, the diocese recognizes the College's independence.
迪恩·伯顿·康弗雷,一个写过几本书的门外汉,变成了十大赌博正规平台在线 leader of CJC. The faculty consists predominantly of Dominican sisters.
Depression-era tuition at CJC is $50 per semester. A work-study program is initiated to help students pay this high tuition. Library workers in this New Deal era are hired with National Recovery Act funds.
The first CJC graduation is distinctive. Dr. Confrey decrees, "There will be no formal commencement exercises. "Instead, when preparing for their baccalaureate, the graduates make "a vigil similar to the knights of old."

1933 to 1935



第一份学生报纸《十大赌博正规平台在线》每隔一周用油印机印刷一次 machine.


Fr. Arthur F. 布可夫斯基被任命为学院的牧师和院长,后来成为 its president after Dr. Confrey's retirement.

左图为天主教教长亚瑟·布考斯基神父与学生们在图书馆的合影 Junior College from 1934, was named President in 1937.

To hear Msgr. Arthur Bukowski reflect on his arrival at CJC, click here 观看十大赌博正规平台在线的口述历史“从历史上讲”的音频片段.

入学人数飙升至90人,大部分来自大急流城,但也有一些来自德克萨斯州 far away as Beaver Island. Women out-of-town students live in Esther Hall, a residence in Heritage Hill run by the Methodist church. Men out-of-town students are given a list of nearby facilities.

By the late 1930s, enrollment reaches 200.


在大萧条时期,学生们用自己的聪明才智和创造力来娱乐自己. 除了举办表演和聚会,一年一度的野餐也成为了全校范围的活动 celebration. 图为1938年CJC在约翰逊公园的野餐 Grand River.

要听布可夫斯基主教谈论一年一度的耶稣升天日野餐, click here. 这段音频剪辑来自“从历史上讲”,十大赌博正规平台在线的口述历史.

天主教专科学校只有棒球队和篮球队两个运动队. Pictured here is the 1938 baseball team.

To hear a GRCJC alumnus speak of the early sports program, click here. 这段音频剪辑来自“从历史上讲”,十大赌博正规平台在线的口述历史.


Basketball became CJC's first organized sport.
Here the 1939 roundball squad poses with Coach Ed White.